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20 Mei 2010

Write blog article with remote publishing

Masalah ini saya temukan ketika membuat yang berbasis Wordpress. Sekarang blog itu sedang ditutup, mudah-mudahan hanya sementara.

A simple explaination about remote publishing for me is how to write a blog article without the online editor, so you can write with offline mode way and then you publish that if you online. No need conected to the internet when just type the article.

But, at the beginning on a personal blog hosting, Windows Live Writer (for example) which is used as a remote publishing will not be used directly. Must setting few option first.

Take a look for screenshot under.

writing option

To do that… go to Setting and choose writing option. At the remote publishing part check two option: enable the atom publishing protocol and enable the wordpress, movable type, meta weblog and blogger XML-RPC.

Now you will be free to post article from Windows Live Writer remote publishing.

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